Do you ever leak urine when you run, cough, sneeze or laugh? Since two natural births, I found that I have these problems but have not taken it seriously. I went to the doctors a couple of years ago and was referred to the specialist nurse. I was not impressed with their advice and had left it. Now, it has got so bad that I have had enough and want to sort myself out.
I approached Kegel8 as I had seen reviews from madeformums website and heard about them from Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies. Kegel8 is a company which has a wide range of products dedicated to help women strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. I was given their vaginal cones to test out. This is a 12 week exercise plan. I will keep you updated on my progress and verdict. As for now, let me tell you my first impression of these Kegel8 vaginal cones.
In this box, you get:
- 3 different stages of vaginal cones
- 1 indicator clip
- 1 storage bag
- Manual
The vaginal cones are made from silicone and have a smooth finish. The indicator clip (optional) creates a curled-up tail that can tell you if you are exercising correctly or incorrectly. The 12 week course is divided into 3 stages and works by following on a daily basis and finishing each stage before moving onto the stages. The course is very easy to follow. You need lot of discipline to do the whole course.
In this video, I will show you what is inside the box:
In a couple of weeks time, I will provide an update on my journey to have a stronger, healthier pelvic floor. I hope it works for me. Don’t forget to get the KE gel for lubrication and Klean for cleaning the vaginal cones before and after use.
Please remember they are not for use:
- during or just after intercourse
- whilst using a vaginal diaphragm or cap
- during pregnancy
- if you have a vaginal prolapse
- during menstruation
- if you have a vaginal/urine infection
Disclosure: I was given this product to do a 12 week course and give an honest review.
totally true lol i wished the ground would open and swollow me up x
a few years ago i tried something very similar but it had not go a long bit on it
i put it in and forgot about it until i was walking along the road and felt it dropping out down my jeans leg and onto the pavement by my feet i have never been so embarressed in my life lol