Last Friday, I found a lump on Ms C’s throat. The first thing I did was rush to Birmingham Children’s A&E. When we got there, the place was packed. It was Friday evening and I asked myself, does she or does she not need to go A&E? Her lump is not life threatening and she is happy and breathing well. In my earlier panic, I had not thought it through.

I called my friend, who is an adult A&E Sister based in London, who reassured me that it wait. So we spent another 40 minutes to drive back home. She helped calm me down and made me think straight. As a parent, my first instinct is to get her checked out asap but as an ex-nurse myself, I should have stayed calm and followed the right procedure.
The weekend has been long and torturous. I posted a photo on Facebook and asked my friends for advice. A lot of kind comments from them and some thinks that it is just salivary glands or infections. The last thing on my mind is cancer.
This morning, we went to see the GP and it wasn’t the good news we were hoping for. It has opened a new door leading to the unknown. Lymphadenopathy is what the Doctor suggests. It is such a big word. She found more swollen lymph nodes on her armpits and groins.
We were referred to Good Hope hospital for a blood test in the afternoon. They took a 10 cc syringe of blood. It is not easy as a parent as they inflict pain on my little girl but she is such a strong little pea!
We won’t know the result until Friday. For now, we are holding our breathes and hope the result is just an infection. Let us have a normal and boring life. She only turned 4 last month and what the future holds for her is unknown. I can’t handle this emotion roller coaster.
Namo Amitabha [Na mo A Mi Tuo Fo]
[…] you had followed my post about my daughter who was diagnosed with lymphadenopathy, I am so glad to tell you that we had a […]
[…] we found Ms C with multiple lumps around her neck, armpits and groin, we were told she might have lymphadenopathy. Our life became a roller coaster with visits to the hospital and blood tests. It would have been […]
As a parent, can understand your roller coaster feeling. It could just be due to some kind of infections which could clear up with the right medications. So hang in there and we wish Caitlin good health and a speedy recovery.