Want to learn simple Chinese numbers using LEGO? Then read on and see how we incorporate LEGO into our daily life! Many of my readers will know that I love to use crafts to teach my children or our Lichfield Mandarin Club’s children in Chinese language. For example, we used ang pow (red packets) to make a Chinese character sheep, used old ang pow to write Chinese character Monkey, practised writing Chinese New Year words on balloons, 3D paper cutting Spring character and many more.
Lichfield Mandarin Club Party 2013
Lichfield Mandarin Club has been running for over 8 months since early November 2012. We have around 10 – 18 children in each weekly class which is a huge success. Thanks to all the persistent mummies for bringing their children along on a regular basis!
Teaching Mandarin lesson
Last week Tuesday, it was my turn to teach the children Mandarin. I was teaching opposites. Before I started my lesson, we went through the revision of family members.
Lichfield Mandarin Club (LMC)
If you have read my Tesco Baby Club’s guest post, you will probably know about the Lichfield Mandarin Club. A few months ago our Chinese teacher mentioned that she and a lot of her Chinese friends found it very difficult to raise their children to speak Mandarin in an English environment. A lot of them came from China and married English husbands.