Lichfield Mandarin Club has been running for over 8 months since early November 2012. We have around 10 – 18 children in each weekly class which is a huge success. Thanks to all the persistent mummies for bringing their children along on a regular basis!
Now we are coming to the end of school term and our teachers are busy preparing a music play – The Enormous Turnip for our year end party on 16 July 2013. It is a classic story about a farmer trying to pull out a turnip but had to ask others to help him pull it out.
Each child is allocated with a different role and they have to sing in mandarin with actions. Every child are very excited and eager to practise.
I’m responsible for finding a turnip for the play. Does anyone has any ideas? Or shall I make one by using stuffed cotton?
You could stuff a pillowcase? It sounds like loads of fun however you do it! 😀