All of us have come across stories about how air pollution impacts our health and well-being. While we may assume that being indoors can keep us safe from pollution, it is not true. Outdoor air pollution can be a huge concern but you must understand that the air that flows inside your home isn’t pure or completely free from pollutants. Air pollution is the biggest environmental risk to public health in the UK and it leads to 30,000 deaths annually. The quality of air that you breathe indoors is very important and the level of air pollutants could be equally high. It can lead to cancer, asthma, pneumonia, health disease as well as low birth weight.
Staying Safe And Healthy In That Summer Heat
Summer is here, and it’s hard to avoid when the temperature spikes so much that you feel it wherever you go, even in your own home. As much as it can be an excellent time for barbecues and chilling in the garden with family and friends, it can be a nuisance, too. More than just annoying, it can be a real health hazard. As such, we’re going to look at a few tips to make sure that you’re keeping the home and the family safe and healthy. It requires a little more effort than usual.
Top 4 Reasons To Invest In Renewable Energy
Unless you’ve been living on the moon, there’s no doubt that you will have heard the words renewable energy, but do you know what it means and how it could benefit you? That is less likely as these words can be banded about, but a lot of people don’t know what it’s all about. Continue reading if you want to find out because there are not only ecological benefits in renewable energy, but there are financial benefits too. There are lots of different renewable energy solutions that could be an excellent choice for your home and here’s why.
Air con coming to the rescue!
We have had the most gorgeous weather since last week. It has been so hot that our curtains have not been drawn in an attempt to keep the rooms a bit cooler for the children to sleep. We are pretty well equipped though with three pedestal fans and one air conditioner! Yes, my silly husband bought it a few years ago as an impulse buy. Most of the time, this large, bulky machine sits behind a door in the corner of the room gathering dust. However, this week, the air con has been used extensively!