We have had the most gorgeous weather since last week. It has been so hot that our curtains have not been drawn in an attempt to keep the rooms a bit cooler for the children to sleep. We are pretty well equipped though with three pedestal fans and one air conditioner! Yes, my silly husband bought it a few years ago as an impulse buy. Most of the time, this large, bulky machine sits behind a door in the corner of the room gathering dust. However, this week, the air con has been used extensively!
It has been so hot at night for the last three nights that I have had to sleep with the air con on. I love this weather but at the same time, I am melting! So all is forgiven and I want to say thanks to my husband from spending over £200 on this! As you can see, it is not easy to place the outlet pipe on our windows as they are not designed for that. Anyway it works and this keeps me cool so I’m not complaining.
How do you keep cool? Do you keep all your windows open? I try not to keep our windows open from a security perspective and also to avoid spiders, bird, cats etc. coming in. I do hope the weather continues to be warm but at the same time I’m not looking forward to the electric bills!