Yesterday was my son’s first sports day. He had been excited for over a week since he had been practising during normal classes last week. The day before sports day, he pleaded for me to go and watch him. He knows that I am not a fan of sports. Anyway, on this hot and sunny day, I sat on the grass along with all excited parents and their family. Some of them even brought their own picnic, blankets and chairs. I, however, was equipped with mobile, iPad and camera!
According to the school, we are not allowed to share or post photos of the events which is a shame! I have video of him winning sprinting! He may be shorter than anyone else in the class, he is very good at sprinting! Children in reception have two special races which is the Monkey Race and Little Angel Race. Mr. K participated in the Little Angel Race where they put a ring on their heads to balance and cross the finish line as quickly as possible. He managed to come in 4th place for that one.
Of course, how can a sports day not end with parent tug of war! It was excellent to see so many mothers participate in the sports. There was no room for me to stand to hold the rope so I took the photos! The most exciting part was dads tug of war! One side was parents of Key Stage 1 while the other was Key Stage 2. They were pulling with such synchronicity you might easily have thought they’d been practising together for some time! Well done to those parents!
It was a brilliant day to see my son achieve so much in a year and I am looking forward to Ms C’s Sports Day on Thursday.