Unless you’ve been living on the moon, there’s no doubt that you will have heard the words renewable energy, but do you know what it means and how it could benefit you? That is less likely as these words can be banded about, but a lot of people don’t know what it’s all about. Continue reading if you want to find out because there are not only ecological benefits in renewable energy, but there are financial benefits too. There are lots of different renewable energy solutions that could be an excellent choice for your home and here’s why.
It Reduces Your Energy Bills
This is probably one of the biggest draws for most people to look into renewable energy solutions, and that is saving money. Unless you are loaded and have the cash to burn, then saving money will always be an attractive option and reducing your energy bills each month is the perfect way to do this. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in solar panels as these can give you free renewable energy all year round. Another source of free clean energy you could take advantage of is getting wind turbines which can also be enormously beneficial. You could also get free heating from another form of renewable energy that is becoming popular, which is air source heat pumps. This system is used to heat a building by transferring heat from outside to inside, and it can also perform the opposite function to cool a building. You would have to learn more about Air Source Heat pumps to see if they would be suitable for where you live, but if so they could be just what you’re looking for. Another example would be solar water heaters.
It Adds Value To Your Home
Another benefit of renewable energy solutions in your home is the fact that they can add value to your property. Of course, you must add renewable energy solutions to your property in a way that fits in with the rest of the building if you live in an apartment or in terraced houses. If one of your aims is to add value to your home, then the look of your property is really important as potential buyers will either be attracted or turned off by this.
You Can Pick And Choose What You Get
If you’re not ready to power the whole of your home with renewable energy, then you could use renewable energy for part of it. For example, you could build a solar oven as using the sun to heat your food passively is an excellent way to get started in the world of renewable energy. Solar ovens work by trapping sunlight to cook food. They have several advantages, in that they heat your food for free, and they work even during a power cut or emergency, and you’ll never have to have a cold meal due to a lack of power.
If a solar oven doesn’t take your fancy then perhaps cooling your home with the heat of the sun sounds more interesting to you? Solar air conditioning does just this and uses the same principles of a solar water heater but uses that hot water in an air conditioning system. If you have air conditioning in your home, you’ll know that it uses more electricity than pretty much anything else in your home. Air conditioning can cost you a lot of money every year, so using hot water to cool your home is a great alternative which will save you money and help the environment too. Even better, the hot water which is produced for air conditioning can also be used for other applications in your home.
It’s Good For The Environment
If you don’t feel you’re doing enough for the planet, then this is the perfect way to do contribute, support the cause for climate change as well as benefit from it yourself. In the long-run, the whole of society benefits if residential properties opt for renewable energy solutions, so investing in renewable energy for your property benefits the environment in your area; it reduces dependence on fossil fuels, improves air quality and reduces pollution. There’s nothing to lose.
So what are you waiting for? You want to save money, you want to do your bit for the environment, you want to add value to your house, and renewable energy will sort out all these things in one go! As mentioned, if you want to, then start small with just one thing and go from there.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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