A big welcome to our week 4 of the Tuesday Tutorials Pintorials Pin Party! It is almost the end of the month! How are your new year resolutions holding up? I wanted to exercise more and it’s so far so good – I’ve been covering 3,000 steps a day.
This week I am featuring Chinese New Year children crafts. Less than a month to go before our New Year! This coming CNY is the year of the sheep/goat. So firstly, I’d like to share this Painted Cotton Sheep from Sand in My Toes. This is such a great craft for young children. All children like to paint and make lots of mess! Next is from Hodge Podge Craft who used a dragon template to make this gorgeous dancing paper dragon. Last but not least, There and Back Again A Mother’s Tale made this beautiful paper fish kite! I would love to make and hang one of these! So beautiful!
Don’t forget to pop by to take a look at Kate (Valentine Days crafts for children), Anna (wearable valentines craft) and Hodge’s (sensory activities) blogs to see who is featured this week.
First time joining us? Simply add your posts to the linky and they will be shown across all 4 of our host blogs (myself, ET Speaks From Home; In The Playroom; Hodge Podge Craft and Craft on Sea) and then pinned to our group board. Each week the 4 of us will showcase a selection of three posts each to feature the round up on our blog along with the next weeks’ linky.
The Rules & Guidelines
- Link up your post – it can be a tutorial, how-to or even food recipe – old or new!
- Please kindly follow the Tuesday Tutorials Pin Party board.
- Please also kindly follow the hosts on Pinterest. This is not essential but would be appreciated!
– Eileen: http://www.pinterest.com/etspeaksfrom/
– Anna: http://www.pinterest.com/intheplayroom/
– Gude: http://www.pinterest.com/hodgepodgecraft/
– Kate: http://www.pinterest.com/craftsonsea/
- Please visit at least three other blogs on the linky if you can and pin some of their fabulous tutorials to your own boards. Do use the #pintorials hashtag to let them know you found them via the linky.
- We would love it if you could give us a text link or add the badge to your post or your side bar. The more people know about the #Pintorials linky, the more can join in and the more pinning we get to do.
- By adding your blog post on this linky, you agree to be possibly featured in a future round up on any of the host blogs, including an image. We will always be linked back directly to your post.

Looking forward to reading about your shared blog post with us this week!
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