The Night Before Christmas is a book written by Clement C. Moore and illustrated by Henry Fisher. The book is suitable for ages 2 to 6. It was released on 19th July 2013 and published by Parragon Book Service Ltd. It is paperback containing about 32 pages. The font is simple and easy to read by young school children. Each page is beautifully illustrated with snowflakes, Santa and his reindeers: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
The story captures the thrill of a traditional Christmas with seasonal rhyme. It is very beautifully written. It is about daddy who is awake, finding himself looking at Santa as he comes down the chimney to deliver his gifts. In this book, Santa is called St Nicholas. I had to explain to the children as they only know him as Santa. They also get to learn the names of the eight reindeers which I always forget! I would rate this book 5 stars out of 5. It is an enjoyable book to read with my children to get them into this magical festive mood!
Disclosure: I received this books from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. We have included Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission. We are a member of Parragon Book Buddy.
I love this story, Christmas Eve isn’t Christmas Eve without reading this.
I do love this book so much, it’s a real part of Christmas for me, and coincidentally the story I read to my boys tonight before bed!
I love this story and this looks like a great version