Are you considering a change in your lifestyle? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, making healthy changes is one of the most popular resolutions made each year. But it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this list of six simple tips to help get you on your way to a healthier lifestyle!
Blueberry Chocolate Roulade
Happy Egg Taste Makers recently partnered up with food stylist and instagrammer, Marte Marie Forsberg, who has provided her Top 5 Tips for creating the best looking food. So they set us, the Happy Egg bloggers, a challenge to take part and create our own style using her tips for a chance of winning some great prizes.
I love baking and I have always wanted to make roulade. I have tried a few times now and had made a rainbow roulade and vanilla sponge with strawberry. This time I am going to make this Blueberry Chocolate Roulade. This recipe is from the Favourite Cakes book by Best Baking.
Tuesday Tutorials Week 32 Fruits
A huge welcome to Week 32 of the Tuesday Tutorials Pintorials Pin Party!
This week I am featuring fruit recipes! My fellow blogger has shared her recipe on how she made this yummy looking peach and apricot jam! Next is Handpicked Life who made amaretto strawberry. I had not tried it before but I will definitely give it a try! It looks delicious! Last but not least, Christianity Cove made a beautiful looking fruit octopus!