Doc McStuffins is an African-American animated children’s television series. She is a six year old who can fix toys, with a little help from her stuffed animal friends: Stuffy, Hallie, Lambie and Chilly. This set comes with Doc McStuffins and her friend Lambie along with her Doc’s bag, stethoscope, thermometer, otoscope and comb. The set is suitable for aged 3 years onwards. Doc McStuffins requires four 1.5V battery and Lambie required three 1.5V battery which are included. They are housed in their back along with the on/off switch.
Doc McStuffins is a well made good quality plastic figurine. Her facial features are very well painted and should last. Her locks are very smooth and easy to comb. All her limbs are moveable and she is able to stand up on her own. She has her own Doc’s bag which stores her thermometer, otoscope and comb. Some parts of the bag, thermometer, otoscope and shoes are covered with pink glitter and it does come off occasionally but it is not messy at all. If you like to listen to her speak or sing, press on her stomach with or without the stethoscope. I personally find it a bit too loud for my liking.
Lambie is a soft cuddly toy who is also Doc’s patient. Press the thermometer onto her mouth and you can hear her talk. Use the otoscope to check on her left ear to hear her say baa you’re beautiful or her giggling. Using the stethoscope to hear her heart beat or she might just need a cuddle. Overall this is a fantastic toy and Ms C really loves it. This is targeted more for girls as my son lost interest after awhile. It is a good and fun interactive toy which also inspires imagination. Is it time for your check-up now?
This is my video which shows you what is inside the box and how we played it. Ms C loves to cuddle Lambie and read books to her. Watch it here:
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.