Asian Fish Parcel with McCain is an Asian Fusion dish that we love eating as a family. Since young, I have always loved the Asian spice flavour but my husband and children were born in the UK and they tend to prefer milder flavours with potatoes being a regular staple. Hence I am serving this Asian meal with western sides!
Birds Eye #Afterschoolchefs Challenge
The summer is finally over as it is getting colder and it is back-to-school time now. I am so pleased that both children have been able to settle back into their routine quickly. But actually I struggled a bit! After I had not cooked for three weeks after a holiday in Singapore, I struggled to take up the pots and pans!
Luckily, Birds Eye knows it is not easy to get back to routine and offered us to take up this challenge via Britmums. So I went to our local supermarket and bought a lot of delicious looking Birds Eye frozen foods like fish fingers, crisps chicken, peas, potatoes waffles and others.