A few months ago, I applied to host an André Rieu’s Week of the Waltz Party via Come Round and was lucky to be picked to host it. Last Tuesday, I received two parcels. Inside there were André Rieu masks, eye masks, pens, a poster, banner, snacks and along with three sample discs.
Dora And Friends Post Twitter Party
This Monday, we had a hectic day. After picking the children up from school, we quickly got everyone in for the Dora And Friends Twitter party.
Fortunately I had already prepared all the party stuff beforehand, with a lot sandwiches and finger foods! Before we sat everyone down, they were all given an admittance ticket and walked on the red carpet.
We then started off the first activity to introduce Dora and her friends to the children. Next, they all had to listen carefully for each individual characters’ facts in the show. All children were really concentrating and didn’t make a noise. But there was a reason for that – they knew they would get one lollipop for each question they answered correctly! They didn’t do too badly and managed to guess 8 questions out of 10!
Dora Twitter Party
This coming Monday 3rd November, I will be taking part in Dora and Friends premiere Twitter party where there will be some fab prizes to give away. Join the party on Twitter with @etspeaksfrom, @ukmumstv and @NickJrUK from 4 pm to 6 pm. Remember to tweet using #doraandfriends hashtag to win some great prizes and games to take part in, so make sure your laptop, PC or smart device is ready to go as the party starts!
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Twitter Party
In celebration of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Blu-ray/DVD release on 1st September, we are co-host in a Twitter Party on Sunday 31st August from 1 pm – 3 pm along with other 10 parent bloggers. It is two hours long Twitter Party! You can join in any time between these hours. Remember to get your kids to join in too!
Head over to Twitter, follow me @etspeaksfrom. Remember to RT the competition posts and join in with us. Use the hashtag: #AmazingSpiderMan2 each time you reply!
These are the prizes you could win: a range of Hasbro Spider-Man’s toys, Blu-ray or DVD copy of The Amazing Spider-Man and Lego Marvel Super Heroes Spider-Man set!
Zelicious Zelfs Post Party
We were so lucky to be picked to host the Twitter party. So I invited a couple of friends over. At 2 pm, they all came and we started our first party game.
Zelicious Zelfs Twitter Party
In celebration of the new Zelicious Zelfs, we are taking part in a Twitter party on Wednesday 30th July from 2 pm – 4 pm along with other mummy bloggers.
Head over to @ukmumstv Twitter and tell us what you think about these brand new toys using #zelfs and #zelicious and stay tuned for plenty of chances to win Zelicious Zelfs plus the new ultra rare Zelf!
Yesterday, I received this box of goodies to share it with my guests. The new Zelicious Zelfs series 3 characters and along with sweet, balloons, colouring pencils, book mark, hair bands and many more.
Birds Eye Come Round Party
Last month, I was picked by Come Round to host a Birds Eye party #FishFingerSandwich. It just happened to be on Father’s Day. So I invited a few relatives and friends over. I am no stranger to Birds Eye as we use plenty of their frozen products like fish fingers and grilled chicken.
Skylanders Half term Twitter Party
This coming Monday 17th February 2014, do follow and join me @etspeaksfrom along with my two co-hosts Rachel @umeandthekids2 and Emma @TheMiniMesAndMe for #SkylandersHalfterm Twitter Party at 2pm. It is an hour long Twitter party!
Zack & Quack Twitter Post Party
Another great Twitter Party hosted by UKMumstv! All the children had fun making their junk modelling. I was very impressed with the children’s craft skills. Look at their beautiful creations: car, a cat, a girl, a gold fish and a house!
Zack and Quack Twitter Party
This coming Friday 7th February, I will be hosting a Twitter party where there will be some fab prizes to give away. Join the party on twitter @etspeaksfrom, @ukmumstv, @NickJrUK from 3:45pm to 5:45pm and use #zackandquack to win some great prizes!
A Successful Something Special Twitter Party!
Something Special is a colourful, fun programme, shown daily on CBeebies, featuring the much loved presenter Justin Fletcher, together with his alter-ego Mr Tumble. The show encourages children to explore the world around them and incorporates the use of Makaton; a recognised form of communication using signs and symbols, as well as rhymes and songs, to encourage and develop language in a fun and exciting way.
Golden Bear will be launching the full new collection of Something Special this autumn which is available to buy at Tesco. The exciting new Mr Tumble toys and accessories, inspired by the hit CBeebies show, are sure to impress and can be seen at this year’s Christmas in July!
Today had been a fun and stressful day. Having to host the Something Special Twitter party game along with UKMumsTV.
Something Special Twitter Party Reveal!
Today, I was so excited to receive my Something Special pre-party box. I can reveal that I am getting cakes, pass the parcel package, stickers, plates, cups, balloons, icing, Mr Tumble’s soft toys, goodies bags and game! I can’t wait to host the party! My children are very excited and have written invitations!
Something Special Party Host 12 Sept
Something Special is a colourful, fun programme, shown daily on CBeebies, featuring the much loved presenter Justin Fletcher, together with his alter-ego Mr Tumble. The show encourages children to explore the world around them and incorporates the use of Makaton; a recognised form of communication using signs and symbols, as well as rhymes and songs, to encourage and develop language in a fun and exciting way.
Pyrex Twitter Party Round Up
Last week, we had our second Twitter party #CookWithPyrex with three of my co-hosts Jenny Leonard, Anna Marikar and Pippa Ainsworth. I would like say a big thank you to our sponsor Pyrex for supporting us and provided 4 lovely prizes of Pyrex products worth £25 each. I would like to congratulate our 4 Twitter winners Zoe Lester, Foodie Laura, OhNoItsBex and Melissa Breckon. Pyrex will arrange the prizes to be sent out shortly. Also thanks to over 70 Twitter party goers who joined us to make this party so successful. Again, we were trending for an hour using #CookWithPyrex!
#CookWithPyrex – Pyrex Twitter Party
We have some exciting news to share! After our first party with SA Fruit, we are getting ready to host our 2nd Twitter party! This time, sponsored by Pyrex. On 10th June Monday from 10.30 -11.30 am, we will be getting together on Twitter to chat about cooking convenient but healthy family meals, sharing tips and ideas, and of course giving the opportunity to win plenty of prizes! The party will be hosted by me (@etspeaksfrom) from ET Speaks from Home, Pippa (@redrosemummy) from Red Rose Mummy, Jenny (@TheBrickCastle) from The Brick Castle and Anna (@theplayroomblog) from In the Play Room.