When I started blogging, one of the first blogs I followed was BritMums. They regularly set challenges like bring Barney on an adventure or cooking an egg dish. I try to join in as much as possible as it helps to give me something to do with my children or being creative.
Last year, I finally took up the courage to buy the BritMums 2014 ticket after hearing a lot of great reviews. It was quite an expensive ticket to buy but I am not looking for any sponsorship. I hope to be able to learn from the event and to make the investment worthwhile.
So let me introduce myself to my fellow bloggers:
Name: Eileen Teo
Blog: ET Speaks From Home
Twitter ID: @etspeaksfrom
Height: 158 cm
Hair: Long black hair, coloured orange
Eyes: Black
Is this your first blogging conference? Yes
Are you attending both days? Yes
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014? Meeting my blogger friends!
What are you wearing? T-shirt and Trousers
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014? Learn tips to develop my blog even further
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? NA
Looking forward to the day to arrive!
Hey your are going!! Me too. Hopefully, we’ll bump into each other.
Looking forward to my first time as well. It all sounded such good fun last year. See you there 🙂
Looking forward to a good catch up! Have you really dyed your hair orange?!
I wish I was able to go. We’ll get to meet in person one day!!
And you went to Blog On? And you’re going to Blog Camp? This is your first Brimums live I think, not your first conference – you’re a nutter Eileen! 😀
You’re 158cm tall? I had no idea you’re so much taller than me. With orange hair? I’ve met you – it wasn’t orange last time 😀