A Mouse’s Tale is about two brave mice, Samantha and Sebastian who are sent on a quest to save their kingdom. This is an 87 minute film which is great to watch with the whole family. It was released today 25th May 2015 on DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment and is available in good DVD stores and also Amazon. Just in time for the May half term break!
Samantha and Sebastian are sent on a quest by the King of Rodencia and the wise wizard Dalliwog to obtain a legendary magic crystal that has the power to defeat the rodents that threaten their kingdom. With the help of two trustworthy knights, they venture deep into the forest and enter a forbidden world of giants in order to accomplish their mission and restore order to the kingdom.
There are a few scary scenes where the evil rodents fight against them. Both of my children were not scared at all and in fact quite enjoy watching it. This is a movie full of magical animation adventures. The animation and vocal performances are great. Both my children enjoy watching it and have watched it twice.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. We have included an Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission but at no additional cost to you. Images used with permission.