A Mouse’s Tale is about two brave mice, Samantha and Sebastian who are sent on a quest to save their kingdom. This is an 87 minute film which is great to watch with the whole family. It was released today 25th May 2015 on DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment and is available in good DVD stores and also Amazon. Just in time for the May half term break!
The Princess Twins of Legendale DVD
The Princess Twins of Legendale is about two brave sisters who must come together to reunite two worlds separated by an evil enchantment in the magical land of Legendale. This is a 70 minute film which is great for the whole family. It was released on DVD on 3rd November from Lionsgate Home Entertainment and is available in good DVD stores and also Amazon.
Legend of Saw Tooth Cave DVD
Earlier this year, we reviewed the Alpha and Omega 3 DVD and Legend of Saw Tooth Cave is their fourth film which follows on from The Great Wolf Games. This is a 43 minute film which is great for the whole family.