Thrifty Lifestyle Switches that are guaranteed to save you Money
Being a bit frugal every now and again can save you a lot more money than you think and sometimes making simple switches in your everyday routine can really help you when it comes to putting away those pennies. Of course, being ‘thrifty’ doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all of life’s little pleasures, but cutting back every now and again could have a really positive impact on your finances – something we could probably all do with! If you’re struggling on ways to cut down (sometimes it can be a little difficult to figure out where to start) then have a look at these thrifty tips and begin saving today!
Get Supermarket Sassy
We are all guilty of over-spending when it comes to food shopping. With all of the tasty treats and ‘extra special’ ingredients placed in such a way that is designed to draw us in, we find ourselves with a trolley full of things that we didn’t set out to buy, and might not even get eaten. One of the best ways to stop this is to write a good old shopping list. Have a quick check of the cupboards, fridge and freezer before you head out and write down exactly what you will need for the week – that way when you arrive in the supermarket you don’t find yourself aimlessly pushing a trolley, falling into all kinds of consumerist traps. It can also be difficult to decide what you need to buy, because even though you have written a list, its contents might still be rather pricey. The most expensive shopping list ingredients are usually meat or meat based products – perhaps you could have a ‘meat free Monday’? Buying hearty ingredients such as lentils, pulses and legumes can really bulk out a meal and make for delicious stews and curries – usually costing next to nothing for a bag. Not only are they filling, they are also nutritious and a great healthy meal choice. Also, when choosing fruit and particularly veg, don’t be afraid to check the ‘reduced’ section that is usually stocked up in major supermarkets, mostly in the evenings. Although the veg is usually reduced due to going out of date it is usually still fine to last a few more days past its ‘best before’ date – and at half of the price, you can’t really go wrong.
Use Discount Code
When you shop online always look for discount code which helps you in saving money. You can tryout sites like dealsdaddy, they have voucher code for clothing, accessories, shoes, furniture, travel, etc…
Check your Energy Bills
When was the last time you totally re-assessed your energy bills and had a good look at what you are actually paying for, because the chances are, you could save money one way or another. If you know you use more energy than is completely necessary, then there are small changes that you can make to cut back, such as hanging out any washing on the line rather than tumble drying a whole load, switching off the TV when it isn’t being watched, switching off lights when you’re not in the room or even better – replacing halogen lightbulbs with energy-saving LED alternatives. Whilst these may seem like obvious money saving tips, things like this are often overlooked and you could be spending hundreds of pounds per year, without needing to.
Ditch the Brands
Being a fool for branded products is something we are all familiar with. Whilst, admittedly, sometimes only the branded/original option will do (I’m talking ketchup and mayonnaise here!) there are plenty of opportunities to trade in your branded items for a cheaper, own brand alternative without noticing any difference whatsoever. This method only really works once it has been tried and tested, so why not buy an own brand version of a hair product or even a food item next time you are shopping and see if you really notice a difference? Granted, if the experience is terrible, you can swap straight back. But hey, at least you tried.
Get a Money Jar
If you want to be really thrifty you can even use an old jam or coffee jar, but the idea is to put any loose change you would otherwise lose or throw away, into a container. It may take months, it might take years but eventually you might have a healthy amount of money together that could go towards buying something important. Loose change often gets forgotten about or lost down the back of the sofa, so this is a great way of making sure everything is accounted for!
Homemade Cleaning Products
This might seem a little conspicuous to those that are so used to relying on supermarket bought cleaning products that promise to banish all germs under the sun, but often enough, the actual ingredients in these products can be recreated with staples from your kitchen cupboard. Bicarbonate of soda, for example, is a godsend when it comes to cleaning and a tiny bit on a damp cloth can be just as effective as your favourite cream cleaner. Vinegar is also a trusty product when it comes to getting smears and dirt off windows and mirrors. Beauty products can also be made from the likes of honey (a great antiseptic) and egg yolks (a dry skin saviour) and these ingredients will ensure a much more natural approach when it comes to your skincare (as well as save you a lot of money!).
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
Vicki Strydom says
Great Tips! I also use my own homemade cleaning. It’s much more environmentally friendly
Kim Carberry says
I meal plan so I only buy what we need to eat….I also online shop because if I go into the store I buy lots that I don’t need…We use a lot of own brands. The only thing I won’t buy cheaper is Heinz tomato ketchup. hehehe
Great ideas.