Today, I am bring Mr K and Ms C on a train trip down to London for a photo shooting casting. I only paid £11 for one way trip by West Midland London. Children under 5 year old is free. Bargain! They were very excited going down to London to see my friends Mrs M and Mr M too. The whole train journey took about 2 hours and it was felt pretty quick as we managed to get a seat with a table and played the new game by Orchard Toys, Monster Catcher. I had also packed two booster carseats as we had planned to come back home with our friends in their car.
The casting was at 5.30 pm and we were very early. On the way there, we went shopping for chocolate!
I was nervous for them while waiting at the lobby as I was not sure what this casting for. It was organised by the Sourcemodels agency and they wanted to cast for Chinese children. While waiting, Mr K accidentally poured Ribena down his white shirt. This was every mum’s nightmare especially given the circumstances! I quickly used a wet tissue and rubbed it down. Luckily it didn’t stain his shirt!
Soon we and the rest of the families were all called to go to level 2 to meet Ruth. It was the shortest casting ever! We were only asked a couple of questions.
They were:
How old are they?
What clothes size do they wear?
What shoe size do they wear?
Next she took a full body photo using her digital camera and a close-up head shot. We were done in less than 2 minutes! She then asked me if I was from China. Errr…. NO! I am from Singapore. Soon after, we were out of there and on our way to meet friends.
We will told we got the job. Details to be follow!