A lot of people only pay attention to their boilers when something is wrong. However, that boiler of yours might be outdated, and you might be suffering the consequences as a result. Some of the inconveniences you experience with your hot water might have nothing to do with your household’s habits but could be due to an underperforming boiler. An old and inefficient boiler could affect you in more ways than one – some you may not have imagined. Let’s take a look at a few signs that you may need to replace your boiler.
It’s More than 10 Years Old
While it will depend on the unit’s size, type, usage, and manufacturer, as a rule, it’s recommended that owners replace their boiler every 10 years. There are many reasons for this. For one, the older it gets, the more likely it is to break, and the harder it will be to find parts. Second, advances are made every day when it comes to boilers and efficiency, and the amount of money you’re paying on extra consumption could be spent on a newer, more energy-efficient, and reliable unit.
Your Current Boiler Needs Constant Repair
Another clear sign that you should replace your boiler is if you always have to get it serviced for some reason. It shouldn’t be breaking down all the time, and most boilers only require an annual service and little maintenance.
If your boiler keeps breaking down, then it could mean that it’s too old, or that you simply bought an unreliable unit. You can easily get a 10-year warranty, including parts and labour on a new unit if you have it serviced yearly, so there’s no reason for you to keep patching leaks. Buy a new unit and you’ll end up saving in the long run.
You’re Paying too Much on Energy
If you always find yourself getting hit with massive energy bills for no apparent reason, then your boiler might be the cause. One of the reasons why old boilers are so inefficient is that they need to keep consuming energy just to maintain water in the tank at a certain temperature. However, there’s no actual need to have a tank in the first place.
A combi system, for instance, heats water directly from the main water supply using heating elements. This means that it provides water on tap without having to heat or maintain water heat in a tank. In addition to saving you energy, they are also extremely easy to install and more affordable. However, they have the disadvantage of not being able to handle a lot of simultaneous use, so these are more suited for smaller households with lower needs.
If you want to learn more about combi boilers, we suggest you check out the top combi boilers listed here by Boiler Central. You’ll not only learn about the best combi boilers on the market but more info on how they work exactly and if they would be a good solution for your household. They look at various top models and manufacturers and give tips on which brands you should avoid as well.
Your System is too Big
If you need space for a project, there are times when a big boiler can get in the way or ruin the look. In this case, you might want to consider going for a smaller unit. Or, maybe you moved to a new house and noticed that you don’t need that giant tank and could do just as well with a combi unit, so that would be a way to save space and money in the long run.
Your Boiler is Making Strange Noises
If your boiler keeps making strange noises, then it could be a sign of it deteriorating. Boilers should not make gurgling sounds, and definitely shouldn’t be banging either. If you feel like your boiler is literally going to blow up, then it would be a good time for a replacement. If you notice a lot of clicking or banging noises or see physical signs like leaks, then it might mean that your boiler is on its way out.
You’re More Energy Conscious
If you want to find a way to cut your carbon emissions and are concerned about your current boiler, then it would be a good time to buy a new model as well. Less energy consumed will not only reflect on your bills but on your carbon footprint as well. Heating is one of the most energy-intensive activities we engage in, and using a more efficient model could make much more of an impact than you may think.
If you fall under any of these categories, we strongly suggest you start considering getting a new boiler. You’ll get a better unit, lower your energy costs, and won’t have to worry about major repairs for years to come.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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