Whether you have limited floor space or not, nothing can prevent you from feeling Zen in your bathroom. On the contrary, you can now transform your bathroom into your sophisticated, everyday spa and create luxury, serenity, ambience, and cleanliness without needing a major remodel or huge time-demanding undertakings. Below are some ideas to help give the room that was made for self-pampering an enticing spa-like sensation.
The Right Lighting
Simple lighting adjustments can change the energy of the space. While a light dimmer can get you a long way creating a softer ambience, so can placing candles around the perimeter of the bathroom. However, even the simplest arrangement can also work wonders. Now, if you have enough space, you may also consider hanging plants and even placing a small aquarium to help infuse a calming feeling to the room.
Note: If you wish to play with plants, you can get some serious spa vibes with air plants or succulents that require low maintenance, are easy to care for, and comprise a high-style solution.
Creating an Open Space
Even a small bathroom can give the illusion of open space with plenty of mirrors, which not only make a room look bigger but also reflect light and saturate the place with an inviting airiness. Light-coloured tiles, along with draping curtains can also contribute to the effect you want to achieve.
Gilded Divinity
Gold details are probably the ultimate way to make a room (any room) exude luxury. Integrating gold details in the bathroom is super easy and requires minimum effort on your side. Simply swap your current faucets, pulls, and handles for a gilded update and see how your bath feels after your enhancements!
Note: Don’t forget to also upgrade your old dispensers and replace them with a set of cohesive dispensers that could also have some golden details. You will be amazed by how much this one little thing will transform your bath’s look.
If you have a shower, then installing a rainfall showerhead will instantly provide for an extravagant adventure. Things get even posher with a bathtub and some simple accessories, such as a tub tray/bathtub caddy* beautifully decorated with hand towels soaps, and, why not, books! Now, if your tub is old, worn out or chipped, you could consider replacing it with a new one. There are a fantastic plethora of deluxe bathtubs on the cheap to create a luxury bathroom vibe, available in any size and style you desire that you will have no problem finding your dream one and make it take centre stage.
*Bathtub trays come in a variety of styles, from Lucite to reclaimed wood, which makes it easy to track the one that suits your style sensitivity. Plus, you can always make one on your own; there are many DIY guides available on YouTube.
Invest in Open Shelves
Claim your fair share of the absolute pampering experience in your own bathroom by stocking up on your favourite spa indulgences. Install a couple of tiers of open-shelving on the bathroom walls and display everything from Dead Sea salt scrubs and face masks to essential oils and hand creams. Alternatively, you could have them in glass jars placed on that bathtub tray or your countertop. And, why not add a few baskets on the shelves for fancy soaps and towels as well?
Make Your Floors More Inviting
Besides the practicality they provide (to keep our bare feet comfy), rugs add an extra layer of refined sumptuousness to a design. In particular, bathroom rugs are getting more and more attention due to the fab styles they come with lately. One of the most traditional bath mats is the kilim but if you want to go the extra mile and bring even more sophistication and luxe to your bathroom, then do consider a faux fur rug, which speaks of grandeur from miles away.
Play with Textures
Adding textures will help the bathroom exude luxury, so apart from a soft floor mat, a luxurious robe is also a must-have. And, truth be told, nothing can surpass the splendour a few brand-new towels emanate. Just make sure they complement that bath’s palette. For those with a small bathroom, fancy new towels will also serve as a built-in décor given the limited space available, which leaves the towels visible.
Use Artwork
No, artwork is not just for the bedroom or living room. It can make the bathroom design equally dynamic if used the right way. There is no need to go to extremes, though. Something simple, such as a gallery wall or a large print will be enough to add a fascinating layer of quality and swanky allure. Not to mention how welcoming the space will feel.
Enjoying a spa-like experience is no longer a weekend-getaway privilege. Strategic lighting, calming colours, comforting details, and a pinch of creativity can go a long way indeed.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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