These Five Tips Can Make Your Bedroom The Sanctuary You Always Dreamed To Have!
The bedroom is the one place in the home that you should be able to relax and sleep without much interruption. It’s the place we retire to at the end of the day, and regardless of whether our eyes are closed when we set foot inside the room, you should still enjoy a bedroom that looks beautiful if it’s what you want. If your bedroom is not your happy place, then there is a problem that needs fixing. Sleep is the one thing that we need to have in spades in a life that is as busy as it is. It’s vital for optimal health and it should be a totally tranquil getaway from all the stresses that you encounter on a daily basis.
Think about it: all day at work, you day dream of a proper rest, a sleep that makes you feel energised and fulfilled. If you aren’t getting that sleep, then something is fundamentally wrong with the space that you have dedicated for rest. With all that in mind, you need these five tips to get you the restful space that you always dreamed that you could have.
Upgrade Your Bed
For the best night’s sleep you need to get your research hat on. You should be looking to read the review for every bed, mattress and bed set you come across, because you need to know what’s going to work to enhance your sleep. The one place you should spend a chunk of money on is your bed; from the pillows to the comforter on top, it should be the right texture, the right touch and the right size for you.
Ban The Screens
You may use your phone as an alarm clock, but it’s time to take the screens out of the bedroom and buy a real one. A bedroom should be a place for pillow talk, intimacy and sleep, not staring at a TV screen or a phone.
Reduce Light
You’ll need a light to change or to see your clothes, sure, but installing a dimmer switch means that you can use the light as you need before making the bedroom as dark as possible for bedtime. This includes closing the curtains so that streetlights and outside sky light doesn’t filter through. A dark bedroom promotes a proper night of sleep.
Make It Cool
Not so much in décor but temperature, your bedroom should be as cool as possible. Your body will break out in a sweat if it overheats, which is not conducive to a comfortable sleep. Investing in a ceiling or standing fan can help this if you can’t afford air conditioning.
A busy space creates a busy, working mind. Keep your bedroom tidy and free of clutter and you can feel far more relaxed when it comes to time to sleep. It’s time to relax and no one can truly be relaxed in a messy space.
Your bedroom has to be a haven of relaxation if you hope to rest; how do you treat yours?
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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