Cobra Paw is a straightforward snatching game that requires ninja-like reflexes, sharp recognition skills, and mental fortitude! It is suitable for aged five and above, and for two to six players. Inside this game, it comes with 21 clawfuku stones, 2 catnippon dice and instructions. The stones remind me of dominos and are beautifully carved and well made.
To play this game, place all stones face up in the centre of the table. Each player takes turns rolling the dice (featuring six unique symbols), then be the first to spot the stone which matches the symbols on the dice and race to grab it before anyone else. The player who snatches the matching stone is next to roll. The first players to snatch up six stones (or eight stones for a two player game) wins the game.
This game is that simple so everyone can play along! Of course, it is inevitable that some players will try to cheat by blocking, keeping or hovering their hands over the stones! It did get quite heated when we played! Especially when we tried to block each other’s views! This is where the code of conduct comes in! We have to keep controlling one another in order not to cheat!
There are also another three different variations to play this Cobra Paw game: Ghosts of the Fallen, No Touchy and Two Ninja Stand Off. They are more or less the same but with slight variations on the rules.
I love the simplicity of this game as it is quite similar to snatch where it is all about speed and eagle eyes. It is not a game that we would play again and again, but great for a quick game to fill time. It is fun to play, but young children can get quite frustrated so it is probably best to play within the same age group. Cobra Paw is good as a travel game as it is quite small and portable! Cobra Paw is available to buy from good toy retailers, online including Amazon.
You can also read our past Asmodee UK Blogger Board Game Club’s review here: Colt Express, Dobble, Splendor & Pandemic!
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. We are members of Asmodee UK Blogger Board Game Club.
[…] can also read our past Asmodee UK Blogger Board Game Club’s review here: Cobra Paw, Colt Express, Dobble, Splendor & […]