Chloe’s Closet is a British and American animated children’s series since 2008. It is about the adventures of a four-year-old Welsh girl (Chloe) and her friends (Tara, Jet, Danny, Riley, Lil, Mac and Carys) and her toys (Lovely Carrot, Wizz and Soggy). When Chloe tries on a new costume, she goes on a fantastical journey.
This Chloe’s Closet Rainbow Riddle DVD by Abbey Home Media will be released on 7th July 2014. It will be available online and at any good stores.
It comes with six episodes and runs approximately 66 minutes long:
- Bump in the Night
- Rainbow Riddle
- Monkeys of the Caribbean
- The Colour Pink
- Jet’s Quest
- Braking Away
These six episodes are from series 1, 2 and 3 shown in late 2008 and early 2009.
This was the first time watching the show for Ms C and Mr K. Ms C is totally hooked into the show. She loves the characters and how they went on an adventure. She was so excited that she swirled around and showed me how Chloe did it in the show. This is suitable for preschool children. The show is very adorable and magical. Ms C loved it even though she older than the target age group and Mr K is happy to watch along with her.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. Image used with permission.