There is one thing which has always made me wonder, why no one, even my mum, has ever told me why exactly children cry! This is not something that you can learn from a book but from the little person him/herself. It took me 4 years before I really understood why my son cried in all scenarios as he was then old enough to tell me how he felt. At times I was totally bemused by their behaviour.
TWhen I came across this book: Reasons My Kid is Crying, I was delighted by it! It all started when part-time father Greg Pembroke posted a few pictures on Facebook of his three year old son, mid-tantrum, alongside the reason his son was crying. The album is called Reasons My Son Is Crying. His friends loved it and encouraged him to start a blog so they could share his photos. Within a week the blog – Reasons My Kid is Crying became the number one search in all social media and spread all over the world.
TSoon parents across the globe shared their crying children with Greg and this is how this book is all about. One cried because they couldn’t take a lion home from the zoo. Another cried reading his favourite bedtime story. I do find this book very funny and interesting. Some parents might think that this is ridiculous to share crying children’s photos. I personally think that this is a light hearted book of how children behave. This is not something people will tell you before you become a parent. This is a fun and great collection of photos! It has triggered me to start an album of why my children talk back! The joys of parenting! Reasons My Kid is Crying is a hardback book published by Boxtree on 10 October 2013. You can get a hard copy from Amazon for £2.50.
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. We have included an Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission.
Sara says
Common reasons are: They’re hungry, tired, or need changing.
caro_mad says
I’m not sure about the book to be completely honest. I think the reasons are fine and I happily read them and find some of them funny, but I don’t want a book full of crying children.
Annie Costa says
It’s a way of expression at their age!
mummyoftwo says
I’ve recently got this book and some of the reasons are very funny! We have had some great ones from E – mainly revolving around chocolate! I hate to see children properly upset but sometimes you just have to laugh at the reasons they cry!