I have been blogging for over a year and during this time I have found some true friends and some not-so-nice people that I will definitely avoid! Since the Women’s friendship week is on the third Sunday in August (according to some websites!) I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for supporting me throughout my blogging career.
First up is Anna Marikar, who blogs at In The Playroom. She is like a little sister and she always say that I am her crazy half sister. I knew her through my giveaways. She is always like a hawk for spotting competitions. She regularly tweets after midnight to avoid clogging up everyone’s Twitter feed (how considerate!) and of course, she did win a few of my giveaways. She is one of the first few bloggers that I met in the flesh and also Anthea Barton, blogs at Blue Bear Wood. We went to a few events like Mr Muscle, Monopoly Empire Unveil, Smurfs and Beano Christmas.
The next two are also my closest friends but I have never met them in real life. They are Pippa Ainsworth and Jenny Leonard. Pippa blogs at Red Rose Mummy and Jenny blogs at The Brick Castle.
Pippa is a blogger geek and is like my wikipedia (but Jenny came up with a fab word – Bloggipaedia). She is always the one who gives advice. *Cough cough!* She is older and wiser than me! She came up with my blog slogan: “Modelling and muddling through family life in Lichfield”.
Jenny is like the mother who look after us and always gives us plenty of comments on our blogs to help us increase our page view! We all need help with that for the statistics. She’s a great supporter of all our efforts.
Next is Tina Mansfield who blogs at The Soup Dragon Says, Mary Proctor, blogs at Over 40 and a Mum to One and Zoe Lester, blogs at My Mummy’s World. We met at the Birmingham Airport events and others too. Tina is a shy lady with a very clever outspoken boy. Mary is very easy going. My dear Jenny, always thinks Tina and Mary are twins. Obviously they are not. Please Tina and Mary make an appointment to meet Jenny and bring her to Specsavers. Zoe clearly is the baby of the group! She is young with fresh ideas and an active little boy.
Both Kel MoolBoots and Anthea are very wise people. Kelly likes to post blog photos of her headless children to protect them from unnecessary harassment. Good move! Anthea has an amazing Art and Craft blog – Zing Zing Tree, which she demonstrates different kinds of craft to do with children.
The next four who I have not yet met but would like to give a shout out to are Tami Anderson who blogs at Mummy of Two, Angela Spicer who blogs at The Life of Spicers, Fiona Martin who blogs at Mummy’s Little Stars and +Laura CYMFT who blogs at Yummy Mummy Flabby Tummy.
Tami is the new face of Butlin’s Ambassbors 2013-2014. I’m not jealous of her holidays, ‘not’ at all! I would like to follow her and see more of her large collection of holiday photos. Angela is the Spice girl who does knitting and sewing. Fiona is an expert at her video blogging! She is a gadget geek.
Last but not least, is Laura. You wouldn’t want to mess with her. She is the lady with strength and power! She is great at her toy reviews hence she gets picked to represent brands like Playmobil playologis and a past ToyRUs Toyologist. They are very lovely people with lovely kids. We regularly chat and moan on Facebook which is great fun. I would like to give them a toast! Toasts to Friendship!
Tokisam says
Fab post. Great to show appreciation for how much kind support is out there.
TwoLittlePaines says
awww I hope to be as fortunate as you and make some great friends through this 🙂
Elaine Livingstone says
It is a great means of friendship and support, and it is nice you have written this post to let them all know how special they are.
Blue Bear Wood says
Lovely Post. You so make me laugh. One of the best things I have gained from social media is the friendship and support.
Jaime Oliver says
what a really lovely post honey its so nice to share some blogging love every now and again. Thanks for linking up with #PoCoLo
Kel says
Thank you for the mention! I love the blogging community and who I have met through it. I Toast you too, blogging friendship is great isn’t it!
Natalie Ray says
What a fabulous idea for a post. I’m going to read it again and look up some of these blogs, thank you! I’ve popped over from the PoCoLo linky 🙂
Agata Pokutycka says
how lovely… I hope in months to come I can make some new friends as well
Red Rose Mummy says
Ah Eileen, that’s so nice! Are you feeling unwell in some way? 😉 Seriously though, I’m really looking forward to meeting you ‘in real life’ next month. You all keep me sane, although I might not always appear that way!
spicers1976 says
Oh Eileen, thankyou for the lovely mention. Not sure I could knit to save my life, but who knows it could be a new skill in life for me to learn. I could be crafty spice, in what sense I’m not sure lol
Fiona Martin says
Aw, that did make me laugh reading this, but what a lovely post. Thanks for the mention although not to sure on the gadget geek!!
over40andamumtoone says
Eileen, I can always rely on you to make me laugh – you say exactly what you think – quite refreshing, as with the other wonderful ladies you’ve mentioned above. I feel so lucky to have met some of you guys in the real world and look forward to meeting as many of the rest of you as is possible at BritMums next year. Good friends met over cyber space 🙂
mummyoftwo says
Lovely. So glad I met you all. I love our FB rants and it’s so nice having people to talk to and ask questions without judgement!
Anna says
Love it! We really met some great people through the blogging community, it’s always great to have a chat and laugh with everyone and I am really glad to know all these lovely bloggers! 😀