Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series about a Latina girl who loves to embark on new quests with her talking purple backpack and her anthropomorphic monkey named Boots. This time Dora has lost her teddy bear Osito, and the search is on to retrieve him. With the help of the audience, Map, Backpack, Boots, Diego and their courageous friends, Dora uses her map-reading, counting, musical and language skills to successfully pass through the number pyramid and the mixed-up jungle to reach the City of Lost Toys.
The show starts with Boots looking for Dora with the help of the audience. As this is a children’s show, you can imagine the screaming and shouting was deafening. Of course, I was out joining in though! It was great fun as no one would care! It was a great audience group where children and their parents were waving the paper stars provided by the theatre. A mummy sat in front of us and sang all the lyrics to the songs. She must have watched a lot of Dora’s shows!
I love how they encourage the children to repeat the same words and are packed full of actions like singing, dancing, waving etc. They also teach the audience some Spanish words like on the TV shows. My children and I have learnt something new today – they learned “Hola” which means “Hello”.
The live show is about one and a half hour with a 10 minute interval. Throughout the show, there are counting numbers on the pyramid, a jungle of all sorts of animals and a lost city of full of toys. Dora has to get to the lost city before Swiper the Fox gets there. Can she make it in time? Love to find out? Hurry as there are only 5 locations show available. Don’t miss out!
12 Jul – 14 Jul Empire Theatre, Liverpool
26 Jul – 28 Jul Hippodrome, Bristol
2 Aug – 4 Aug Milton Keynes Theatre, Milton Keynes
12 Aug – 14 Aug Churchill Theatre, Bromley
17 Aug – 19 Aug Theatre Royal, Glasgow
At the ending of the show, they blow bubbles around the theatre. All the children in the theatre ran to the aisle trying to catch the bubbles! We were so busy catching the bubbles that we didn’t realise Dora and her friends had said goodbye and gone!
What did the children think about the whole show? They absolutely loved it and would like to go back again! It was the same verdict with another couple of children who sat in front of us, they wanted to watch it again too! This is a big thumbs up! I would highly recommend to all Dora’s little fans! It was a great show!
If you are interested to learn how important routine is to children, Nick Jr. has launched a new campaign -Step-by-Step Explore with Dora, which will help parents navigate key developmental stages and teach their children key skills with help from Dora the Explorer.
Disclosure: We received the tickets for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. Image used with permission.