Last week, we entered the National Sealife Centre Facebook competition and we won family tickets to attend the SpongeBob Squarepants 4-D Premier Event. I was so excited! We were late and missed part of the VIP tour. Luckily, we caught them in time before they shut the main door. We walked around the designated route and saw a lot of different types of sea creatures. It was excellent. Both of my children will amazed by it all. Soon we reached the 4D cinema, and we donned the 3D glasses. The show is about 8 minutes long which I think it is a good length. If it was too long, I tend to get headaches from using the glasses or the children might not able to cope. It was quite a big cinema room with a lot of seating. The seats are big and comfortable. In no time, the show started.
The 3D glasses is not the most comfortable to wear but they fit all sizes. The sound is at the right volume and I think it is suitable for young children. The 4th dimension includes being blown by wind and bubbles, splashed with water and having the seats vibrate. It is a lot of fun! Took Ms C a while to get use to it but she is enjoyed it a lot. She was busy watching and munching on her popcorn. Mr K loved the whole experience. I rate it 5 stars out of 5. My friend was laughing so loud that I was so embarrassed to walk next to her. She definitely loved it. We all enjoyed the whole movie experience. We would love to go back again this Summer and hopefully we will be able see most of the aquarium.
my kids love the sealife centre iv taken them to birmingham 🙂
I mean Birmingham. I always say Bristol. Oops!
This looks great. Bud loves Sea Life centres so we’re really excited for the Trafford Centre one to open.
I love the otters they have in Bristol sea life. 🙂
It looks fantastic – I can’t wait for the Sealife Centre to open in Manchester 🙂
i had a few friends go to this lovely review of it glad you and your family had a good time