Nuddy Ned is a book written by Kes Gray and illustrated by Garry Parsons. The book is suitable for ages 3 to 5. It was released on 3rd January 2013 and published by Bloomsbury Publishing. It is a paperback containing about 32 pages. The font is big, simple and easy to read by young school children. Each page is cheekily illustrated and most contain lift-up flaps.
I love and enjoyed reading this cheeky book with my mummy. It is a very interesting book with lift-up flaps. It made me want to lift up the flap and see what’s behind the flap. I also like to be like Ned where I can run around naked. My mummy had to explain to me what is the meaning of birthday suit and that it is not nice to run around naked like Ned. I was also surprised that Ned’s mummy and daddy wanted to be naked as well. This is a very cheeky book and I would love to read it again before bath time where I can do it too.
I rate this book 5 stars out of 5 but my mummy doesn’t think so as she don’t want me to learn from Ned to run around naked. Also the lift-up flap is too thin and not easy to open out.
Disclosure: We were given this book from Primary Times to do an honest review for their website. This is review by my son aged 5. He is a member of the Primary Times Kids’ Review Panel.