Look Out, Ladybird! is a book written and illustrated by Jack Tickle. The book is suitable for ages 3+ to 7+. It will be released on 4th March 2013 and published by Little Tiger Press. Just a little information about the book. It is paperback containing about 32 pages. The font is big, simple and easy to read by young school children. Each page is beautifully illustrated.
The story describes a young ladybird’s adventure as she learns to fly. I love how it describes each action with different fun sounds that makes this book more interesting and fun to read. This book contains five different types of animals (elephant, tiger, crocodile, monkey and a bear), and teaches children a lot of their different descriptive actions. The moral of the story is to not give up, which is what the ladybird almost did until the monkey encouraged her to try again.
My children enjoyed the book but felt the ending was a bit abrupt. The last page is a pull out page and after seeing the picture of the ladybird flying towards the bear, they wanted to know what happened next. I would rate this book 4 stars out of 5. It’s a fun, enjoyable book with great illustrations but we had to dock a star for the ending.
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. We are a member of the Little Tiger Press’ Parent Panel.