Every now and then, life throws us a curve ball. It could be something that’s stressing us out at work, or perhaps some money troubles – whatever is, it’s much easier to deal with it if you feel good. And us ladies know that one great way to feel good is to feel like we look fabulous!
Alternative way to lose weight
I’m Singaporean and was brought up in Singapore. I was always a big girl throughout my whole childhood. My mum tried lots of ways to help me to lose weight. I can still remember as a young child, I had to wake up at 5 am and jogged with my father around the car park as we didn’t have a park near our place. I hated every single minute of it! In Singapore, schools differ to the UK, in that they they have a morning session (7.30am to 1pm) and an afternoon session (1pm to 6.30pm) and my parents even went to the trouble of swapping my afternoon session to the morning session. As a result of this, I had different classmates throughout my primary school years.
(2011 – Size 18/20)