Spirit Riding Free is an animated series produced by DreamWorks that has been streaming on Netflix since 2017. It is about a young city girl named Lucky who relocates to a small Western town and forms a tight bond with wild horse Spirit while having adventures with her friends Pru and Abigail, who both own horses.
Schleich Bayala Unicorns Review
Let the magic continue with this magical Bayala unicorn range from Schleich! Schleich have recently expanded its magical Bayala world of elves, including additional figurines and playsets, and we were delighted to have received a decorated Unicorn Mare and a decorated Pegasus Stallion. They are suitable for aged four onwards.
Schleich Show with Knabstrupper Mare Review
Show with Knabstrupper Mare is Schleich’s new addition to their Horse Club range and it has just landed here. Ms C was thrilled to add this to her collection for her horse riding arena!
Schleich Farm Life New Horses Review
Early this year, Schleich launched a range of Farm Life New Horses’ products and it has just landed here. Ms C was thrilled as this is exactly what she wanted to add on for her horse riding arena!
This Schleich New Horses range is suitable for children aged 3 and above. They have the Showjumper, Recreational Rider, Equestrian Grooming Set, Blanket & Headstall, Treat Set, Show Jumping Saddle & Bridle and Chicken Coop. Each accessory is very well made and with a smooth finish.
Schleich Horse Riding Arena Review
Ms C is mad about horses right now and she loved every minute she spent riding the horse at a local riding school. She was extremely thrilled when she saw this Schleich Horse Riding Arena! This is exactly what she wanted – an arena for her to pretend riding her horse!
This Schleich Horse Riding Arena is suitable for children aged 3 and above. It comes with the Arena, a horse with rider, accessories and jumps. This toy does not comes with any instructions but is very easy to put together by looking at the picture on the box. Each item is very well made and with a smooth finish.
The Year of the Horse with Schleich
Many of you might recall that I had recently written a series blog posts for Chinese New Year and that this year is the year of the Horse. In the Chinese zodiac, the horse came in seventh out of the 12 year cycle of the animals. If you would like to find out more about the Chinese zodiac animals, click here to read more. Why does the horse come in seventh in the cycle? Legend has it that the sneaky Snake hid itself on the Horse’s hoof. Before crossing the finishing line, the Snake frightened the Horse and took the 6th spot and left the horse in 7th.