Spirit Riding Free is an animated series produced by DreamWorks that has been streaming on Netflix since 2017. It is about a young city girl named Lucky who relocates to a small Western town and forms a tight bond with wild horse Spirit while having adventures with her friends Pru and Abigail, who both own horses.
Now Flair has launched a range of Spirit Riding Free sets for their fans and we are so lucky to have been sent the Spirit Classic Horse & Stable set, Sounds & Action horse, Lucky & Spirit and two Spirit Bling box assortments to review. Ms C loves playing with horses and can’t wait to pamper Spirit with carrots and hay!
First, let’s take a look at this Spirit Classic Horse & Stable set which contains 10 pieces of items that can be packed away neatly into the stable. Then you can use the handle to take the stable on the go! It comes with a 7-inch black horse, which is inspired by the show, a stable, hay, shovel, rake, saddle, bridle, brush, tack box, and sticker sheet.
This small and lightweight stable has a side wall that opens to create a large play area and a side gate. The horse comes with beautiful blue, black & white rooted hair that is perfect for brushing and styling, but I do find the brush too shallow for brushing. The non-poseable horse is mainly made with plastic and synthetic hair. Ms C loves playing with this set.
This Classics Sounds and Action Hacheta horse features realistic horse sounds by simply pressing the button on her back or pressing her head downwards. This lovely horse can be posed to rear-up on her hind legs and her tail can be moved. It comes with a rooted mane that can be brushed and styled with the clip provided. The horse is able to stand on her own. She requires three 1.5V batteries to operate which are included. The battery compartment can be found under the horse’s tummy.
This Lucky & Spirit set comes with a 13cm tall Lucky featuring poseable arms and legs that allow her to be moved into fun action poses and allows her to ride the horse! She is wearing a white cloth top that can be removed along with her pair of boots. Spirit is a non-poseable lightweight horse that comes with rooted mane and tails that can be brushed and styled. There is also a Plu & Chica Linda set and Abigail & Boomerang set to collect.
Lastly, we have the Spirit Bling Box assortments collectable series 1 with eight unique mini horse figures to collect. Each figure stands over 2 inches tall and comes packaged in a miniature barn and includes a stable!
This lovely range will be adored by many of their fans. Ms C enjoys playing with all these sets. They are available in Smyths Toys and Amazon.
Disclosure: We received the samples for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.