Recently, we reviewed the Creative Cube & Pyramid set by Science4you. Do take a look if you didn’t see it first time around. We are lucky to represent Science4you and in the next two months, I will blog about two of their fantastic Science kits.
Buzz Wire Game #Shop with Energizer Batteries
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.
My son is generally very inquisitive and has always shown an interest in knowing how a lot of his toys work. He once played a Buzz Wire game at a funfair and was fascinated by that.
So last week we challenged ourselves to make one. We went to Maplin to get some items to build our homemade buzz wire game. We bought the mini buzzer, mini LED light bulbs, insulated wire, bare wire and battery holder.
Turn Easter Eggs into Solar System
Last Sunday, Mr K and I spent an hour to paint 9 polystyrene eggs. We tried to create our solar system by painting each egg a different colours as close to their own colours as depicted in our astronomy book. We have the Sun and 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
After they all dried, we used a wooden skewer to poke through and thread an elastic string. I also used a plastic plate as the top to hold onto the eggs. Now it is ready as our solar system mobile!
Mr K’s Lego Duplo Creation on Mother’s Day
I would just like to share some of the Lego Duplo creations my son built. He is very creative and we love how Lego can provide an outlet for his creativity.
This is a car.
Fruit Bobbing
After the children return from school, they want to play and watch TV. I decided to play fruit bobbing instead to get them to eat their 5 a day as they didn’t have any fruit in school today. I think this is a fun way to get them to eat it.
Firstly, I filled up a small basin of water and places two apples in it. Apples are less dense than water so they will float at the surface.
Making Music
Making Music by using four wine glasses (this is all we had) and a jug of water. We filled the glasses with different quantities of water. Then I asked the children to wet their finger tips and rub against the rim of the glasses. It makes a beautiful sound.
Making Coloured Salt Dough
Today, I tried a different recipe to the one I used to make. It is the ratio of 1:1 for the flour and salt. Previously I used a 4:1 ratio of flour and salt for the salt dough.
Colourful Sugar – Science Project
We are creating colourful sugar crystals. The materials are sugar, water, food colouring and a plate. First, we stirred the sugar into the water until it dissolved. I used lukewarm water to dissolve the sugar more easily. Still Mr K and Ms C took a long time to stir it. We added a few drops of food colouring. Mr K chose blue food colouring and Ms C choose pink.
Corny Goo – Science Project
Today, we tried to make a goo with strange behaviour. This is a very simple experiment. You only need water, cornflour, bowl, plate and spoon.
The children put cornflour onto the disposable plastic plate and added water. After a quick stir with the spoon, they added more water until the goo was thick and creamy. They could then pick up the goo to roll it between the fingers.
Absorbing Science – Science Project
Inspired by this week’s Play Fest Twitter on Montessori play shared by @bluebearwood, I decided to have a go at the absorbing science. We went out to a bargain shop to buy some food dye. They were only 37 pence each as were are near the expiry date.
We came back home and the kids were all excited. After I got back home, I realised I did not have the same clear plastic cup and right type of paper towel. We were unable to do a successful absorbing science experiment.
I did manage to show the children how the paper towel soaked up the blue dye. I dropped a few drops of different food dyes into a separate cups of water and stirred them.Then the children mixed the blue dye water into yellow dye water to make it green.