Many people suffer from migraines. They can be incredibly debilitating and create a wide range of symptoms. Common symptoms include an intense headache that may feel stronger on one side of your head, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, vomiting or a feeling of nausea, dizziness or vertigo, and even cognitive changes, such as difficulty concentrating and confusion. It is incredibly important for those who suffer from migraines to be able to look after themselves when they strike.
This becomes especially important for those dealing with the stress of planning a wedding. Read on for seven self-care tips to help if migraines strike throughout your wedding planning process.
When a migraine strikes more often, it’s just impossible to carry on with your day as normal, so it’s important to give yourself permission to rest and recover despite everything on your wedding to-do list. Bright lights and loud noises can worsen your migraine, so try to find a nice quiet, dark place where you can lie down. If you’re able to sleep, it’s a good idea to do so.
Hot or Cold!
When you have a migraine, you can attack it with cold or warm temperatures. Many people find applying an ice pack or a cold compress to your forehead can help lessen any pain. Alternatively, you could opt for a hot eye mask. The heat on your eyes and head can be soothing while blocking out any light.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration is a quick way to make your migraine worse and last for longer. So make sure you’ve always got some liquids in arm’s reach to keep sipping and avoid becoming dehydrated. You could even opt for a vitamin drink that will give you some added vitamin C. In the run-up to your wedding, make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids.
Learn your Triggers
People experience migraines for several reasons. However, it’s a good idea to try to identify any triggers. Triggers can be anything, from certain foods, stressors, or how much sleep you’ve had. So after a migraine strikes, try to identify and write down anything that could have potentially caused it until you start to see some patterns! Discovering your triggers can help you to make changes that may help to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines and avoid them happening on that all-important day.
Take over-the-counter relief
Chemist Click Online Pharmacy can offer over-the-counter relief for migraines. If you suffer regularly, it’s a good idea to keep some medication handy in case you need it.
Practice relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques are a good way to avoid the stress and tension that can often trigger migraines. You may need to try some different activities to find what works for you. Try deep breathing, yoga, or meditation. You can even make small changes to your day, like lighting a candle or using essential oils.
Try to find a relaxation technique that works for you and that you enjoy.
Seek professional help
If your migraines are severe, frequent, or interfering with your daily life, seeking professional help is important. Your healthcare provider can help you identify the underlying causes of your migraines and provide appropriate treatment.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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