Can you make a clever choice of word that your opponent won’t be able to guess? A Little Wordy is a two-player/team strategic, highly-replayable game, where players have to decipher their opponent’s secret word by paying for clues and hints. This game is suitable for aged ten and upwards either as a two person or two team game.
Inside this box, it comes with 40 berry tokens, 26 vowel tiles and a cloth bag, 55 consonant tiles and cloth bag, six vanilla clue cards, 10 spicy clue cards, two dry-erase markers and two player shields.
If you don’t want to read the instructions, why not watch this video which explains it to you. It is very simple! Do check out their website for details:
The goal of this game is to earn more berry tokens than your opponent by the end of the game. To set up, sit across from each other so that you won’t be able to see your opponent’s player shield. Shuffle both the vanilla and spicy clue decks separately. Now deal four cards from each deck face-up between you and your opponent so that you can both read the cards. Put the rest of the cards away.
Place the berry tokens in a pile in the centre of the table. Each player gets four vowel tiles and seven consonant tiles from the bags. Now each person assembles a word from a set of tiles and keeps that secret word to themselves. Write it down on your player shield and cover it up. If you are unsure about the spelling of the word you choose, you can check it using a dictionary to verify it, but you can not use the dictionary to help you to come up with a secret word.
Swap the tiles over with your opponent and choose which player plays first. Each then takes it in turn to either activate one clue (spicy card) or guess the secret word (vanilla card). The number on the card is the value of the berry tokens. The instructions are shown on the bottom of the card. Once you have completed the instructions, your opponent takes the berry token value from the pile.
For every word guessed correctly, the player will earn berry tokens and the player with the most tokens wins. Whether it is just three-letter words or seven-letter words, this game is like trying to read the person’s mind or playing Battleship! Use your intuition to guess your opponent’s word! This is a great game to play on the go and to keep you entertained. It is available to buy from good toy retailers, online including Amazon.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. We have included an Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission but at no additional cost to you.
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