Botox is one of the best treatments known to treat wrinkles and fine lines. This aesthetic treatment is chosen by millions because of the unique results it provides painlessly and in less time. The toxin onabotulinumtoxinA is injected into the muscles causing wrinkles to prevent them from moving. This toxin stops the flow of signals from the nerves and hence the muscle is always relaxed. The common use of Botox is to relax the facial muscles between and around the eyes, lips, and forehead. It is considered to be safe when it is administered by licensed professionals as a tiny amount of the toxin should only be used. But correcting the wrinkles alone is not the only use of Botox; it is approved to be used for several other medical conditions. By reading the Botox reviews, you will understand how effective and safe it is to treat several health problems.
Chronic migraines
It is found that people who were treated with Botox for wrinkles reported fewer headaches. Several chronic migraines can be treated with Botox toxin. Here people will get 31 Botox injections in different spots on their head and necks, which will last for more than three months.
Excessive underarm sweating
Botox has been a successful therapy since 2004 to treat people. People who were treated for facial spasms were seen to sweat less. This condition is also known as Hyperhidrosis. The approved Botox is found to be the right treatment to treat sweaty hands and feet.
Overactive bladder
Botox is considered as the most impactful treatment that can treat overactive bladders. It was seen that Botox reduced the number of leaks a day when compared to the average leaks. But excessive use can shut down the bladder and also cause some problems. Hence it is good to administer the right amount of toxin.
For some people, the eyes do not line up in the same direction and hence might cause discomfort for sight and appearance. This is also known as lazy eye, which is an imbalance in the muscles responsible for positioning your eyes. This can also be treated with Botox.
Cervical dystonia
This is a condition where your neck muscles contract causing your head to twist or turn into one position making it uncomfortable. Botox will relax this condition and bring forth movement.
Muscle contractures
Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition where your limbs will get pulled toward your center. These muscles can be relaxed with Botox injections.
Twitching of muscles around the eyes can be relieved with the help of Botox. The injections are administered in such a way that such a condition can be eliminated.
It was studied that people with wrinkles and fine lines suffered from depression. Facial expressions can influence one’s mood. As Botox treats facial problems it also helps in reducing depression.
Abnormal heartbeat
Botox can prevent and correct the heartbeat patterns after open-heart surgery. It is injected and administered in such a way as to avoid abnormal heartbeat.
Severely cold hands, even painful sex, and also cleft lip scars in babies can also be treated with Botox. Other than just treating wrinkles, researches and specialists have found that Botox can treat several other conditions. The best part is, it has proven to successfully treat and rectify such issues.
Disclosure: Article is contributed by Austin K.