The weather has been taking a turn for the sunnier as of late and many of us are glad to be spending more time in our gardens and in the fresh air. However, we need to go indoors at some point, but we don’t want to spend time in a gloomy, shadowy house. To solve that, let’s look at some of the home improvements you can use to improve natural light in your home so it feels brighter, cleaner, and even more spacious.
Wash your windows
First of all, you’re only going to get as much natural light as you allow through your windows. If it has been a while since those windows have been washed, then you shouldn’t be surprised when the sun has to strain through a few levels of dirt, dust, and grime. Consider getting yourself a window cleaning kit or hire some local professionals to come to take care of it for you.
Control the light
If the glass itself is looking just fine, then how about the dressings that you have on it? Your window treatments will have a huge impact on how natural light accesses the home. If you’re using heavy curtains or slat blinds, then you are limiting at least some of the light. Roller blinds can be used to give as much space to natural light as possible. They can be adjusted to blackout the window if the home’s getting a little too hot, too.
Add a splash of colour
It’s not just about how you let natural light into your home, but also what you do with it when it gets there. For instance, you can help the light bounce around and better brighten the home if you’re decorating with a brighter palette. Darker colours absorb light, whereas light colours tend to reflect it, so do what you can to add a little brightness to the home’s colour scheme.
Reflect on some mirrors
If we’re talking about letting the light bounce around, then we need to talk about the role that mirrors can play as well. Placing mirrors strategically across from windows and other light entryways will not only brighten the room up It helps create a perspective trick that also makes the room look a lot more spacious. This can be great if you’re trying to brighten up a small space.
Cut the clutter
The more room that you give light to make its way around the room, the brighter that the room is going to look. Conversely, if you have objects, knick-knacks, and furniture in the path of the light, it’s going create dark shadows that stretch across the floor. Try to keep the centre of the room relatively free of any furniture and de-clutter your surfaces so that you create fewer shadows. It also helps to make the room easier to wipe down and dust, too, which is important given how much more visible dirt is in the light.
Get your home ready for summer with the tips above and it will feel a lot less stuffy and a lot more comfortable and bright.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
[…] or blind to help keep even more warmth in! Not forgetting to clean your windows to improve natural light in your […]