Did you know that Letts have recently updated their Key Stage 2 books for next year’s SATs and given them a fun new look? They are also giving children and their parents the opportunity to pick the face for their next cover. One lucky entrant will win a set of the new books, plus some smiley stationery. To find out how to enter, please visit www.letts-revision.co.uk/faces to vote!
Did you know that there are a great range of workbooks and revision guides to choose from Letts from aged three to 16+? Either your child is preparing for their SATs or getting back into a learning frame of mind, Letts has engaging and motivating learning books to support your child. All of their books support the national curriculum so that you know they are reinforcing what your child is being taught at school.
It didn’t seem that long since Mr K was in Reception but now he is in Year 5 and we are preparing him for next year’s SATs. As a tiger mum, we have been working through Letts revision books during Year 4 and the summer break. I personally myself did not school in the UK and have already lost touch of the current national curriculum. I am pleased to use their Revision Guide for English and Maths to assist both of us. I use the guide to help me to understand the topics they will be tested on and to keep up with what they are learning in school.
As I mentioned earlier, I had already bought the books earlier this year, so I did a comparison between the updated and old Revision Guide Key Stage 2 Maths books. The new updated book has included Roman Numerals and respective SATs practice questions to prepare the child. I find it very useful as it reflects what schools will be testing on.
I chose to use Letts before I was even asked to review these because I like the style and format of the books. The books are well written, easy to understand and easy to explain to a child. Mr K is able to revise some on his own using the guide. Occasionally, I need to help him along especially for English. In the guide books, there are not many exercise questions for your child to work on. Hence, Letts also has a range of workbooks for your child to practice on. The workbooks cover all the topics but they are quite brief. If you require to practice more on that topic like Fractions, Timetables etc., you could get extra help from Letts books too. A year ago, Ms C was struggling at telling the time so I bought the Letts books to get her the extra help. If your child needs the extra help, you would know where to get it!
These Key Stage 2 revision guides and workbooks are great to prepare your child for SATs. It is still too early for Ms C to use these as she is in Year 4 but they are great for Mr K to revise with. We all enjoy learning through these colourful references and formulae. They are a reassuring purchase for parents and I would recommend. Their range of books are very reasonably price and they are available in good book retailers, Amazon and the Letts website. Do check it out! You can also read about their Wild About range here.
Disclosure: I received these books from the publisher for free. However, they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. This is a featured post.
anthony harrington says
have made a note of these for the future for our little Grandson, thanks
Susie Wilkinson says
There seems to be a problem with the link, or with my laptop, the link in my email from Letts didn’t work either!
Eileen Teo says
Hi, it works okay for me.