4 Ways that adding a greenhouse to your property can benefit you!
Going green and living a conservative lifestyle has never been more popular than recently. Due to the over usage of wasteland for unnecessary trash and other materials that could be have been recycled, reducing your carbon footprint has become a popular topic among many. Because of this new trend in wanting to conserve the planet, building a greenhouse has become more popular as well. This article will share some ways in which adding a greenhouse to your property can benefit you. For more information about adding a greenhouse to your property, check out https://www.greenhousestores.co.uk.
1. Heat. If your greenhouse is attached to your home, you will be able to access free heat that would not otherwise be available to you. If you live in an environment where this would be of benefit, consider adding a greenhouse to the south side of your home. The reason for this is that a greenhouse built on the south side of a home will warm up gradually as the day progresses. It is important to note that for the best results, the day must be clear. When you have reached your desired warm temperature, you can then open a window in your house to let the warm air in. This will help warm your house without the need to use wood or fuel to heat up your house.
2. Grow food. Perhaps it is an obvious perk, but having a greenhouse means that you can grow more produce and food for your family. If you live in a cold climate, you can grow plants that may otherwise die if you did not have a greenhouse. This means that you can even take advantage of growing a fruit or vegetable that would typically grow in a climate like Florida. For example, if you live in New York and you build a greenhouse, you could plant a lemon tree and expect to grow lemons.
3. Add space to your home. Again, if you choose to build your greenhouse as an extension of your home, you are adding square footage to your space and increasing your home’s overall value. Be sure to check on the laws and policies in your area about adding on to your home to ensure that you have proper permits that might be needed. It is also important to make note that you may have to pay additional property tax for the addition to your house.
4. Easy access to produce. Have you ever been in the middle of making dinner only to find out that you are lacking enough produce to make the meal. For example, if you are making a fresh Margarita pizza but do not have any basil, this could be a problem. If you have a greenhouse, you can grow herbs and produce on your own property. No longer will you be without ingredients that you need to make a hearty meal for your family. Now, that is convenient!
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
I haven’t got room for a greenhouse, but do have a mini allotment space in my garden .. simply a very small area I have allocated for growing veg.
Lots of plants can be started off from seed on a kitchen window ledge in early spring (similar to a greenhouse basically) and then transplanted into the garden in later spring when getting bigger and it’s getting warm enough for them to live outside. Currently I’m growing broad beans, two types of onion, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, basil, coriander, strawberries, spinach, lettuce. All outdoors, so don’t let a lack of greenhouse stop your permaculture efforts 🙂
my husband is building me a mini one in our garden for my seeds and tomato plants
I would love a greenhouse but I have to share a garden and I don’t think my neighbour downstairs would appreciate having one anywhere near her side of the garden.
I have a greenhouse unfortunately it’s in a state of disrepair after the winger storms
TIME to get it sorted