To celebrate the World Book Day on the 3rd March 2016, Carpetright is releasing a children’s audio book and downloadable PDF form on their site each week in March including the benefits of including bedtime stories in your child’s rountine. They hope by encourage parents to use their free children’s audio books to add more adventure to bedtime, make the bed a fun place to be and also encourage families to read together.
Also throughout March, Carpetright want you to tell them your favourite ever children’s bedtime story across social media using the #BedtimeStories @Carpetright on Twitter or Facebook for the chance to win £500 Carpetright vouchers and an Amazon Fire Kids Edition. Read their bedtime stories campaign here.
The 4 books that they will be releasing throughout March are as follows:
- The Selfish Giant – Oscar Wilde
- How the Leopard Got His Spots – Rudyard Kipling
- How the Camel Got His Humps – Rudyard Kipling
- Sadie’s Broken Heart – Hugh Fraser
Click here to read and download their first title this week: The Selfish Giant in audio book and downloadable PDF form.
As technology moves along rapidly, I find that more and more books are now in digital form or apps. Since both children have their iPads, we tend to download more interactive reading books via the stores. They are a great way to entertain children while we on the move or when I am doing homework with one child, the other child can listen to their audio book etc.
Personally I still prefer to read to them from a physical book and still buy them book from a bookstore. Ms C loves My Little Pony books and we have bought many books from the series. She was not able to read it very well as the content was quite advanced for her age. Mr C will often read it for her and spend time with her. On the other hand, Mr K loves all the factual books and we have gone through reading The Guinness World Records book to the World Deadly Reptiles.
I find that reading bedtime stories helps them to calm them down and also makes them both stay away from television and tablets. This also give us family time together and spend individual time with both of them. Occasionally when Mr C and I have been too busy, I will ask Mr K to read to Ms C or we all share the reading together in bed. There are a great selection of children’s beds around to offer inspiration on creating a better atmosphere at bedtime, such as the London Bus bed. These can make the bedtime experience even more enjoyable and inspire the children to be more creative with their ideas.
Each year on this World Book Day, my children’s school will encourage them to dress up as their favourite book characters, get involved in designing a book cover competition or make their own costume. This year, their school wants them to dress in pyjamas and bring their favourite books along with a teddy bear. Each of them will be asked to tell the class what the story is about. My son loves “show and tell” sessions, and he is going to list a few facts to tell his class. While Ms C is ready to tell her class about her My Little Pony characters!
If you have been following my blog and social media, you might have recently see that we had made a BB8 costume for Ms C. This project took us nearly two hours to complete. This was partly down to looking for materials around the house. I tend to use whatever materials I have at home rather than buying from the shop and I managed to find a big cardboard box in my garage! Then I used DuckTape to tape it over and orange paper to make the patterns on the BB8! Everyone is very pleased with the result! There is room for improvement in the mask so in the near future, I might make a better mask!
Is your school doing any World Book Day activities with your children? What is your favourite book to read with your children? Let me know your thoughts!
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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