What the Jackdaw Saw is a book written by Julia Donaldson who is the best-selling author of over 120 books and plays. This colourful and cute illustrated book is brought to life by prize-winning artist Nick Sharratt.
This book is about friendship and sign language. It was created with a group of deaf children in a workshop organised by the not-for-profit organisation Life & Deaf which helps deaf children to explore their identities through poetry, film, performance and art back on 26th March 2012. After a long wait, this book will be publishing on 7th May 2015 by Macmillan Children’s Books and available to buy either as hardback or paperback via Amazon. The author’s proceeds from this book will go to The Life & Deaf Association.
The hardback book contains about 32 pages with lovely, flowing sentences and rhyming sounds on each page with a good size font. The content is easy to read by both of my children.
The story is about a bird called Jackdaw who is about to fly into trouble. The jackdaw wants all his friends to come to his party, but when he calls out his invitation the animals just touch their heads. He does not understand why they won’t answer and what their actions mean. Luckily a wise brown owl helps him with the puzzle.
This lovely story is fun to read and also help you to learn a few simple signs. Sign language is always something close to my heart as one of my friends is deaf. I had spent a year attending sign language class in order to be able to communicate with her.
At the back of this book, it also show s you eight simple signs or you to learn with your child. It is a very interesting book and I would recommend it .
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. We have included an Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission.
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