Little Live Pets have added new adorable additions to their range! Let me introduce you to the Owl families. They are the Nightstar family (blue in colour), the Graceling family (white and purple in colour) and the Heartwing family (pink in colour). The other Little Live Pets ranges are the birds and butterflies from which we have reviewed the Angelic Angela bird. They are suitable for ages 5 and onwards.
We have received the beautiful Nightstar family from Character Online which consists of Mother Owl and Baby Owl. They are both predominately navy blue with patches of aquamarine. Both of their bodies are made from a hard plastic but coated with a felt-like materials but their beak, wings, feet and eyes are not coated with the felt. Mother Owl requires two AAA batteries to work but she did come with temporary batteries in it. Baby Owl requires three button-cell LR44 batteries to work but similarly, he also comes with temporary batteries too.
It is very easy to operate. There is an on/off/try me button on their chest. Only Mother Owl has a microphone on the side for recording.
There are a few ways to play with them. You can feed, talk to, pet and play with her. Mother Owl has a touch sensor on her back. Gently stroking her, she will hoot songs like Baa Baa Black Sheep, Incy Wincy Spider, etc. The more you pet her, the happier she will be and she will hoot longer. She comes with a record button on the front which is easy to press to make your recording. Record your voice after she hoots and she record about 10 seconds of voice. If you want a playback, just press the button again quickly. Each time you record, it erases the previous recorded message. The volume of the Owl is set and is at a good level. It is not too loud at all.
Baby Owl loves to be fed by Mother Owl. Place them together and tilt Mother Owl’s body down so their beaks align. Then watch Baby Owl eat and burp when he is full. He will then hoot a happy song and Mother Owl will too!
Both will fall asleep after half an hour but you can wake them up at any time by pressing the button on Mother Owl’s chest and nurture Baby Owl in your hands.
Mr K loves to play with his Owl family as he loves feeding Baby Owl. He was previously not that interested in Angelic Angela bird as the bird is alone! Now with Baby Owl, he can interact a bit more between the two of them! Also I find hooting is nicer than the tweeting! The Little Live bird sometime can be quite annoying with its tweets whereas hooting is calmer and gentler! The RRP of £17.99 is slightly more than I would paid for the electronic pet but now you get two Owls in the set and they are very adorable pets.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.
They are so cute – they’d go down well here.