Mr K and Ms C are both very curious to explore the science around them. They always ask me a lot questions including why vinegar hurts their broken skin, why the cut apple turns brown and many more. I am so glad to have this extensive kit from Science4you Chemistry 1000 to help both of my children to explore the world that surrounds them. This kit is suitable for aged 8 onwards so I help them do most of the experiments just in case they hurt themselves.
Chemistry 1000 with 80 experiments comes in two huge boxes containing protective goggles, lab coat, gloves, pH strips, measuring cups, test tubes and many more. Also it comes with a 36-page coloured book providing detailed instructions and scientific information with 32 experiment ideas printed for you to do it with your children. The rest of the experiments require you to download or print via the website provided on the back page of the book.
Here is the video made by Science4you which shows the contents of the kit and two experiments.
Before you do a project with your children, do read up on it beforehand and get the items ready to avoid disappointing them. I had to rush out to buy vinegar, baking soda and lemon to do some of the projects. These items might be common in most households but not for us! I hardly use vinegar and baking soda.
We did a couple of projects like how to inflate a balloon without blowing, the interesting case of milk and also how to preserve apples in the open air. They are very fun short experiments that we can do at least one a weekend to keep us busy rather than them playing games on their iPad or watching TV. I love how the booklet gives me plenty ideas with simple explanations for me to explain to my children. Also it come with a good quality pair of goggles. The lab coat is a bit too long for Mr K but he is only 6 and this kit is for 8 years old. So it would be suitable for the right age group.
I have written a separate post on how to inflate a balloon without blowing with a video. Do check it out!
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.
[…] blowing it. This is one of the experiments listed in the booklet. Click here to check out our review. I have altered a few bits of materials you […]