This present scenario may be familiar: you survey your home, and to be frank? It’s a mess. You trip over someone’s unwanted My Little Pony on the way to the door, and pass a small mountain of shoes piled up by the doorway, when they haven’t been in frequent enough use. On top of that, there are some extra items scattered everywhere for extra fun: some building blocks that your youngest has grown out of and refuses to play with any more, or the sad stuffed toy that was rejected as a valid gift by your daughter because it was ‘too childish’. It’s definitely time to tidy up. And you know the perfect place to put them – what else is an attic for, after all? But when you wrench open the door, you notice something startling. Something a little alarming. The attic is already full.
Full to the brim, almost. And with almost exactly the same thing that you’re carrying, to put away into the attic to be out of sight, and out of mind. The cool Lego palace that you built with the kids ages and couldn’t quite bringing yourself to throw away when they lost interest. The old rocking horse, that virtually untouched craft kit, old Ken dolls… it all adds up. Mementos are definitely one thing, but a lot of things that a family grows out of can simply become clutter, which eventually clogs up your home.
Where do you go from here? Well, you can either start up with the elbow grease, get knee deep into it yourself to sort out the treasure from the trash… or you could be very sneaky instead and get a professional company to do the (sometimes literally) dirty work for you. House clearance may be a service that you might not be too familiar with quite yet, and definitely should not be considered as just a simple cleaning company. But for the big jobs, the ones where heavy lifting is involved and there is a considerable hoard of things to sort through, they are definitely a capable and valid solution.
But attics are mysterious and complex places, where everything they hold is not just junk. Clearance Solutions do understand this and actually have an asset assessment service in place where they can purchase anything of value from you. Unwanted items are disposed of and recycled, the whole process managed from start to finish as they have complete removal, storage and transport services. And they even tidy up after themselves too, sweeping the place before they go.
If your kids have already ditched their Pokémon cards, you can definitely say goodbye to them too. Don’t store up old things for the sake of the past – you can keep any mementos safe, and you can also enjoy the now.
Disclosure: Bought to you by House Clearance.
Our attic is definitely full. We’re about to start a really good sort out so I’m hoping for more order soon.
I didn’t think that picture would be of your attic. We’re in the middle of a big clear out right now
I need to clear out my office, and this is a great idea, I am a hoarder so maybe storage would be the solution!
It’s great to have a good clear out of all the stuff you don’t use anymore isn’t it. We’ve been slowly getting rid of things before we move later in the year.