This week, I attended the Argos Christmas Top Toys and Flying Fairy by Flutterbye was one of the most wanted toys. I was so excited that my children and I have the chance to review this beautiful pink fairy.
This is Ms C ripping off the box. This toy is suitable for 6+ and requires 6 x AA batteries. Both of my children are younger than the recommended age but I have been supervising them while they play with it. The fairy needs to be charged before it is used. This is very simple by plugging in the cord from charging base into the fairy. Make sure you switch on the base and that the fairy is switched off. When the light turns orange, it means it is fully charged.
The fairy is lightweight and beautifully made. Her wings are made from soft plastic (no sharp corner) which is quite similar to a mini fan.
Press the button to launch the fairy. You can either launch it off the base or whilst holding it from your outstretched hand. The fairy will hover above your outstretched hand too. The lift it generates does create a lot of downward wind. It took us a while to get use to the loud fan and the fairy itself. They are so much of fun! My children will all be laughing and trying to catch the fairy. If you approach her below her feet, she will fly away.
The most scary part of the flying is when it hits furniture or the wall. The fairy will hit it and immediately drop down. This does not put off my children from playing in fact they have so much of fun trying to hover over my head. After many crash landings, the fairy is still going strong so it seems pretty durable.
Note that this toy is for indoor use and is recommended to play where there is not much obstruction/obstacles. We played with the fairy near her dolls and the wings did get caught up in the doll’s hair. So I had to spend some time to unravelling the hair.
Here’s a video I made of how the fairy works:
Overall, this is a fun toy and brings so much laughter to the house. This is definitely one of the most fun toys we ever had. I rate this 4 stars out of 5. This is a very unique and fun fairy! Thanks to Spin Master Toys! It is available to buy now with SRP £34.99.
Disclosure: We have received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.
That looks brilliant!! My youngest would love that….She’s fairy crazy at the moment…lol
Fabulous but pricey, I can’t see much use after the novelty has worn off! So a thumbs down from me
she looks fun! very simular to the air hogs ufo flying ships for the boys 🙂
Looks lovely and seems to fly for a while. Think children will lose interest after a while once they see she always does the same thing. Quite costly! It would drive my dog nuts and she would try to catch her because of the noise and movement. Thanks for your review. Video was excellent so we could see it in action.
Crikey. We had some fairies that had a rip cord and they spun in the air, they didn’t look anything like as substantial as this fairy though 🙂