Last Saturday, we signed up to the Staffordshire Libraries annual Summer Reading Challenge which just launched on that day. It was for 4 – 12 year olds who are being encouraged to take part in the initiative and keep the boredom at bay during the school holidays. The challenge is to read six books over the summer break and pick up rewards and incentives along the way.
=There is also a website dedicated to the Summer Reading Challenge called ‘Story Lab’ where young people can find a whole host of activities and games. The challenge is great news for mums and dads too, as it provides a free source of entertainment and helps maintain reading levels during the long summer break.
Within a week we completed bronze, sliver and gold and this is what we got! A medal and Certificate. Brilliant! The medal didn’t come with a string/ribbon so we added that on. It was free to join the Story Lab. Come and start reading!
Very smart and pretty. Young sweet girl. Congratulations.