For the last two months, we have been testing out these start-rite Mary Jane school shoes for Ms C to see how they fare. Have they stood up to the test? Have they been keeping Ms C comfortable and will they keep going into the new school year? Yes, it has and it should!
Back to School with Marks and Spencer
This summer, M&S is helping us to get ready for the back to school adventure! Did you know that M&S has been helping parents get their children ready for back to school for over a century?
This year, they are campaigning ‘Decades at School’ and will be showcasing a timeline of its school archives, focusing on how getting kids ready for back to school has changed over the years – from uniforms to packed lunches. Discover how family’s back to school journey has changed from yours to your children.
How did your back to school experience compare to your children? For mine, it was totally different to my children. I was born and raised in Singapore. Our primary and secondary schools have very strict rules on books and each school had their own individual school uniform. These rules restricted us to buy the books and uniforms from specific places or we would also get hand-me-downs from older siblings.