Scooby Doo and his friends always find themselves solving mysteries involving supposedly supernatural creatures through a series of antics and missteps. Now Scooby is going to investigate suspicious goings on in the Mystery Mansion. Beware as there are plenty of secret traps hidden in the mansion!
Scooby Doo Phantom Flyer Review
Fancy taking a flight with Scooby on his glow in the dark phantom flyer? Now you can take him on a wild ride by navigating with your hand. Watch him fly everywhere into the air and see it glow dark when in a dark room.
Scooby-Doo! Adventures: The Mystery Map
Currently if you pop out to the shops, there are Halloween decorations everywhere. Besides getting pumpkins and scary costumes, why not get a copy of Scooby-Doo! Adventures: The Mystery Map to entertain the children too. It is available from 21st October 2013. We were fortunate to get a copy to watch first hand. Both of my children have made the progression from short regular children’s TV to enjoying longer movies too. So after a day of hard work at school, they were treated to watch this DVD. As they had watched Scooby-Doo before, they both knew what to expect from the show.