Recently, I saw an opportunity to enter a food challenge and I am so glad to be part of it. In celebration of Villa Plus’ new “Local Food” guides that have been rolled out for each destination, they are asking bloggers to recreate a dish from one of the regions. There are 5 regions (Menorca, Kefalonia, Costa Blanca, Fuertaventura, Costa Del Sol) and with 2 bloggers to each region. I was chosen to cook a Costa Del Sol dish.
To be honest, I have never been to Costa Del Sol nor tried their local cuisine. So I did some quick research and did a very quick dish which is the soups perote. I chose this dish as this is my first time cooking such a dish and therefore I liked the fact that it uses minimal ingredients which are easy to get hold of. I was also intrigued that it uses old bread. So if you happen to have any old bread, you might want to try this out instead of baking bread pudding.